Submit a Project

We accept financing applications throughout the year for our patient capital products and our specialized funds.

1. Contact us to discuss your project and confirm your eligibility for our financial products.

Phone : 514 256-0992
Toll free : 1-877-350-0992

2. Once we have confirmed your eligibility, a financial analyst from the Réseau d’investissement social du Québec will be paired with you.

The Réseau d’investissement social du Québec (RISQ) is the agency mandated by the Chantier de l’économie sociale Trust to receive and analyze loan applications.


3. The financial analyst will request some documents to support your application. Plan for a few phone calls.


4. Once all of the information has been received, the analyst can begin evaluating your file.

They will also determine the complementarity of our interventions with other social economy financial partners.

1 file, 2 financing possibilities

By submitting your application to the Chantier Trust, it is possible, in certain situations, to submit the same application for RISQ financing as we are The Financial Tools of the Chantier de l’économie sociale.

5. Completion of an analytical report that considers the unique features of social economy enterprises.


6. Presentation of your file to the investment committee for that financial product.


7. For the Trust’s patient capital products, members make a recommendation to the Trustee Council whether the file should be accepted or denied, or, occasionally, amended.


8. Follow-up on file status (accepted or denied)


9. Signature of the financing agreement


10. 10. Release of the allocated amount


11. Financial reporting for follow-ups
The RISQ is also mandated to oversee the Chantier Trust’s investment portfolio and specialized funds.